Saturday, June 13, 2009

cheating? CHEATER !

okay .
i guess to be a cheater is not a good profession .
[ehem. i think cheating is not a profession]

according to my recent activities which are STUPID EXAMS,
what is the solution to pass it?
do you like to study? lol .
what I was saying is that the probability to cheat is really large and I guess everybody had cheated before .
*okay, caught me guilty .

by the time, cheater generations [wtf?] are always more and more . :DD
and by their amount,
most of the cheater generations nowadays are experts and professionals . hehe .
and don't you know?
cheating needs skills too . *lmao
it needs speed, experience, and so on .
so, if you don't have the skill or the *charisma* of a cheater,
you won't succeed cheating UNLESS you practiced really hard before cheating . xD
yupyupyup, cheating is not as easy as you think .

cheating is something that is challenging too .
what do you feel when you cheat or after you cheated?
and why do you feel so?
sometimes, cheating can be something amusing .
it brings somewhat individual satisfaction when you succeeded . haha .

during tests and exams,
most of the students cheat . [or all of them?]
about cheating, unfortunately I can't post all of it or even a bit .
well you know, one of my teacher found out me and my friends' blog so if I post something suspicious about the school, cheating, or whatever it is, they might find out too . =="

last but not least .
i'll just say HAPPY STUDYING ~!
[or happy cheating? lol . you decide]

ended .


  1. FROII.. X)
    Aku setuju..banyaks (jamak..wakakakakakaka..) sekali yang BENAR di postingan kamu.. XD
    -. most of the cheater generations nowadays are experts and professionals
    -. cheating needs skills too
    -. it needs speed, experience, and so on
    -. so, if you don't have the skill or the *charisma* of a cheater,
    you won't succeed cheating UNLESS you practiced really hard before cheating
    -. cheating is not as easy as you think
    -. cheating is something that is challenging too .
    -. sometimes, cheating can be something amusing .
    -. it brings somewhat individual satisfaction when you succeeded . haha

    Itu semua bener banget.. XD
    Segitu aja dulu.. XD
    Met malem aja deh..met bobo..wekekekekekeke..

    PS: kita pasti bisa..kita PASTI BISA naik kelas..karna kita EMANG BISA.. X) perjuangan kita selesai..YIPII.. X)
