hello and i'm back again :D
indonesians, what is the first thing do you think about your country rite now?
pasti bom kan?
yaa yaaa bom lagi setelah bbrp taon kita kaga kedapetan bom .
pdhl 6 taon yg lalu J.W Mariott itu ud kena .
taon ne kna lg .
plus ritz carlton jg lg ! huhu .
parah dehhh tu teroris otak buntu .
dan lagi, pastinya smua jg tau klo MU batal dateng .
uda mondar-mandir di TV ngebacot INI BUDI, BUDI BERMAIN BOLA malah kaga jd .
krn ap? bom .
si Budi kaga jd maen bola gara" kna bom .
once again, Indonesia is terrified by the bomb .
for me, i think the picture i posted above really shows how careless is the maker/the picture editor .
it doesn't show any appreciation or respect .
how rude !
and people still likes it ! [ i took the pic from facebook which people could click the thumb symbol to show that they like it ]
it doesn't show any appreciation or respect .
how rude !
and people still likes it ! [ i took the pic from facebook which people could click the thumb symbol to show that they like it ]
meanwhile, Indonesians in twitter really *reunite* to support Indonesia .
#indonesiaunite is on the top of the trending topics again, fellas ! :P
lots of Indonesian tweeple uses their pic like this :
yup . with the dual Indonesia flag colors or the small flag symbol ! :)
Who is behind this?
@arikfr (Arik Fraimovich), friendly web-geek.
(I've also did HelpIranElection.com and the LIVESTRONG yellow wristband campaign)
taken from here
teruntuk: para teroris yang terhormat dan puas setelah mengebom
ReplyDeletecintai diri kita,cintai negri kita
cintai jiwa kita,cintai bangsa kita
cintai raga kita,cintai ibu pertiwi kita
sayangi diri kita,lindungi tanah air kita
jaga diri kita,jaga dunia kita
jaga harga diri kita,jaga martabat bangsa
sayangi sesama,sayangi dunia
sayangi sesama,jangan jadi teroris
sayangi dunia,jangan jadi tukang boooooooooommmmmmm
dipersembahkan oleh: salah seorang anak bangsa yang tak senang martabat negrinya di hancurkan